charlotte fall season

Here are some Fall Tips, seasoned advice, and a few good old fashioned suggestions to help you save money on your heating bill,  avoid costly repairs, and keep your HVAC system in top shape.
One -Keep a clean furnace filter during the cold weather. When your furnace runs with a clean filter, the whole system is more functional.
Two – Allow sunlight to come in through the windows. This natural source of heat will help lower the cost of keeping cold air warm. Get into the routine of opening shades during sunny parts of the day and grab all that free heat.  Note- In summer, do the opposite.
Three– Storm windows and doors are an extra source of insulation. Keep them closed.
Four-Remember to program or set your thermostat for maximum efficiency during times when you are sleeping, at work, weekend, vacations, or warmer days.
FiveOutside- Keep bushes and debris away from your heating and cooling units.
Six– Keep trees and shrubbery trimmed so they won’t counteract your attempts to let sun in the windows.
SevenInside- Take a look at floor, wall and ceiling vents. Keep them flowing with air and free of obstructions.
Additional Tips
Each winter, check for obvious cold air streaming in windows and doors. Check around the seals and insulation and replace if needed. This can save a huge amount of energy and money over the life of the house.
Use ceiling fans or have them installed to help circulate air.
Check the attic for air flow and accumulation of dust, moisture, or heat.
A fireplace can become an air leak straight to the outside. Check to be certain it is closed when there is no fire. Check the damper seal for wear.
Call Charlotte Comfort Systems’ HVAC experts at 704-366-1661 to schedule your annual tune-up.
We can save you money both short and long term. Call us today and relax in your warm cozy home all Fall and Winter.

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