lake norman north carolina

Considerations, when buying a new furnace, range from price, to space being heated, and seasonal variations. Before buying, you need a thorough evaluation of your unique living conditions, square footage of the area, and the best method to pay for the unit. Here are some things to consider so you will be well armed with the best information and we can make a better assessment of your needs.

If you are concerned about the price of a heating unit, rest assured that we are on your side. We know the cost of a new heating or air conditioning unit is not an everyday expense. It is often a surprise or emergency expense and can be overwhelming to some homeowners who are already juggling to balance their budget.

We can show you how the actual expense over the life of a quality unit can be quite small compared to what it delivers day and night, year after year. The up-front expense can raise an eyebrow but the average expense can be a very pleasant surprise. We advise you to talk with us about the average cost of heating your home, things you can do to cut expenses, rebates, and other factors that will make costs easier to handle.

Energy efficiency is on everyone’s mind but there are some facts you need to know. For example, heating a large home, in a climate with freezing temperatures, might require a large capacity unit measured in BTU output. Getting a mismatched unit that saves energy but keeps you cold will defeat the purpose. Talk with us about your unique situation and we will come up with a plan that works.

Variables such as fuel prices, your future years in the home, insulation, and thermostat settings, can all make a measurable difference. You might decide to save less energy on your heating unit, and put the savings elsewhere in the home, such as windows.

Call us for an energy, and money saving conversation about your heating and air conditioning needs. We have the experience, personnel, and equipment to do the job professionally. We take pride in our work, plus we are proud that we have always been local, serving the HVAC needs of the people of the Charlotte area.

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